You are an empowered creator of your ideal life.

Let's Get Started

Smell of Lilacs

Finally Spring has arrived in Northern Illinois where I live.  I can smell lilacs thru the open screen door. Iris are bobbing their delicate petals on long stems in the wind.  It was a really long Winter here and the arrival of Spring flowers has been most welcomed. My flower beds have been tended.  I thought all my beds were […]

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Change is good and yet so many of us rail at change. Just this week the look of my email account was changed and I was upset at not being able to quickly find what I wanted. It seems everyday something is changing. Sometimes change is forced on us and sometimes we make the effort to change. I recently decided […]

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I Made A Drum

I birthed a drum for my birthday. No, I have not been involved in drumming or a drumming circle and I am not really musically inclined.  I was not even sure why I wanted a drum or why I wanted to make one and not just buy one. I was trusting my intuition and soul and said yes to making […]

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Say Thank You – Change Your Life

Are you a pessimist? An optimist? Or a realist?  Can how we think about, talk about and embrace the challenges of life determine our health, relationships and even wealth?  There is a growing body of evidence that says yes! Focusing on gratitude has been found to very beneficial. An attitude of gratitude can boost your immune system, help you heal […]

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Why a Life Coach?

What do you do when you realize that you are not happy with the life you are living? Where do you turn for support during a major change, the death of a beloved or transition? How do you clear out all those old messages of failure and limitation? How can you go from feeling hopeless to empowered? Who do you […]

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Oracle and Divination Cards

I got my first set of Oracle cards in the early 90’s.  They were Angel Blessing deck by Kimberly Marooney.  This one remains my most used and favorite deck.  The cards have a picture of an angel on one side and the book that accompanies the deck has detailed and lengthy information and insights from the angels; our human conditions […]

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Reiki and my Spiritual Practice

What began as a holistic treatment for depression has become a daily spiritual practice which has benefited my physical, spiritual and emotional health. In 1999 I turned to Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) as a way to treat depression.  I received my level 1 and 2 attunements within a few months of each other. I had no intention of offering it […]

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Juggle or Balance

Have you ever tried to juggle? I bought a book complete with the juggling balls that says even a klutz can learn to juggle. Confession time here, I am NOT the most coordinated person, SO perhaps learning to juggle may not become one of my talents or super powers. Yet, sometimes, I do more juggling than balancing on any given […]

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Sacred Space

I have been releasing resistance, struggle, effort, so I can return to who I am; a Divine Expression of our Creator. How can I BE that? Not just DO? BE. There is a difference. How can I experience BEING?  Here is what I did to experience myself just being? First, I find that space, sacred spaces, in which I can […]

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When I began to see my life as a journey of healing my perspective changed. I began to see opportunities in all situations and areas. Big shift! I had some wonderful insights recently as I journaled and meditated on the theme of integration.   When I was working as a mortgage broker I built a bridge between my day job […]

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