You are an empowered creator of your ideal life.

Let's Get Started

Are you ready to re-write the script of your life and create your dream life?

YOU are the empowered creator of your life.

Let's work together and identify what you want to transform in your life...

Download this powerful and easy to use tool; Self Care Balance Wheel, to identify what is working and NOT working in your life. Subscribe to get free insight now......

Hi, I'm Joan Protano

alchemist, transformational life coach, and spiritual energy healer

I help energy healers, light workers, yogi’s and those seeking a deeper spiritual connection with their physical body and soul discover the knowledge and resources to become their most evolved selves.  I teach you how to heal and connect with the wisdom of your body.  We work with Creator and your Spiritual Team so that you can live the life your Soul is calling you to live.  

You do have and you are working with YOUR very own Spiritual Team, Right?

Imagine living your life from a place of Authenticity, Balance, and Clarity without feeling overwhelmed, or stressed.

Group Workshop

Body Whispers

Learn to listen to the wisdom of your body. 

Discover and understand the transformative and healing messages your body has to share.  

Join the wait list to be notified of the next Body Whispers online group session.  

Soul Mastery

Vibrational Energy Alignment

Are you looking to live a SOUL led life?

You’ve read the books, taken the classes and find that life is still not abundant, balanced or connected. 

You feel like your life is a mess. Your facing a health crisis or in chronic pain. You are overhwhelmed and frustrated, tired, even angry! There is one crisis after another!

You thought you would find the answers in your spiritual practice, reiki or yoga!  and NADA! It’s just a bandaid, and that’s not even working very well these days!

UGH! Something is missing. It is time to call in support and get the help you need to embody all your knowledge and wisdom and truly become your own support system.

Learn to lead WITH your Soul from a place of  Alignment, Balance and Connection. Stop the cycle today. Heal YOU! Heal your Soul! Heal your family!

Spiritual & Energy Healing

Essentials of spiritual healing

Are you looking for an energy tweak?

Has life thrown you a couple of curve balls and you need support, clarity or help getting back into alignment? 

Perhaps, you are dealing with a physical ailment, chronic or new diagnosis and need insight and energetic healing.

Your sessions are personally geared to help you come back into alignment quickly and develop a plan for the future.

Ready to create a soul driven life?

We live in exciting and conflicting times. you have the power, ability and opportunity to live an inspired life. A life YOU Create from a place of authenticity, belonging and connectedness. If you are looking to find happiness and joy and LOVE your life, lets start working together NOW!

"intuituve and insightful"

“I love my coaching sessions with Joan! She is always intuitive and insightful. We quickly sift through the muck and get to the root of the issue that is blocking me.

Because of the consistent sessions I have had with Joan I am now able to use processes she has taught to enhance my own releasing in my meditation sessions.

She has helped to change my life in wonderful, positive, loving ways that are too numerous to count!”

- N.B.

"blessed by clarity"

“I am so grateful to have the visual tools that you’ve provided, they’ve touched my heart and soul profoundly.

I find when I open and quiet my mind to meditate, this is when I’m blessed with clarity.. life simply makes more sense when my heart is gently reminded that I am not only one with God, I am co-creator with God as well.

Joan, I wouldn’t have reached this level of healing on my spiritual journey without you. Thank you so much for being such an important part of my life.

- C.H.

You deserve a fulfilling and joyous life ...

Get control, and clarity of your inner universe, sign up today